
Representative Message
To envision a "society where everyone can live comfortably," it is essential to consider both the diversity aspect of "everyone" and what "comfort" or "difficulty in living" entails.
When thinking about diversity, it is important to first consider how labels, which are often beyond one's control, create differences in opportunities available to people. It is crucial to balance lifting up minorities and socially disadvantaged individuals structurally while respecting them as individuals without labels on a personal level.
Regarding "comfort in living" and "difficulty in living," it is necessary to think from multiple perspectives, not only about what individuals possess but also about how well they can convert these possessions into value and how they evaluate the realization of this value. In practice, it is important to earnestly address each person's situation and provide support as needed.
While "a society where everyone can live comfortably" represents our aspirational direction, there are still many challenges in reality. Nevertheless, we want to make progress step by step. I approach my work with the mindset of "renovating" society and invite you to join us in this journey. We look forward to having you as a partner!

Current recruitment information
We are currently looking for interns to work in architecture and design.
For more details, please refer to the poster below.